[What is Ramadan? ] Thorough explanation <Islam from the details ...

Google publish Ramadan information site for Muslims. The fasting ... Muslims around the world do every year [Ramadan]. When is the followers of the obligation. Why fasting? Months or not Yasehosora and fasting? It thoroughly explains Ramadan. table of contents To begin the Ramadan? Why fasting? Some people are exempt from fasting Sex life during Ramadan It shifted the Ramadan of the time of year Festival Ramadan Some people gain weight to fasting No fun without abstinence To begin the Ramadan? The Ramadan is the Islamic calendar th of the month. Months of this month, Muslims will cut off the food and drink from sunrise to sunset. Tobacco and sex is also prohibited. Is a also do not strictly to swallow the spit, is not good also have feelings such as jealousy and anger has been r. However, only between can not eat or drink that has come out the day, if submerged day, all will be lifted. Why fasting? Because it is written with the [fasting case] as God's instruction to the scriptures Koran. [Month of Ramadan as the guidance of mankind, is the month that has made the (middle shown) Koran.

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